Tuesday, September 18, 2018

IAF 2018 - Interview with Li Chitak

IAF is back for the third year at La Salle this weekend. We managed to invite one of my favourite HK comic artist, Li Chitak.

So who the hell is Li Chitak? You know that 1996 Jet Li action movie, Black Mask? That's based on a Li Chitak comic.


The comic is well cooler than the movie. Unfortunately, it is long out of print.

2 years ago, Chitak was honoured by Angouleme Comic Festival with a solo exhibition of his own.


Here's a short interview with Chitak before his visit. He answered my questions in Chinese which I have reproduced here and I included my loose English translation which cannot do justice to the nuances in his replies. Read them out loud in Cantonese!

You are sometimes known as the godfather of indie / alternative comics in HK. What do you think of this title?


這是別人給我的稱號,是令人較有體面及較容易去接受indie/alternative這種東西, 相對以往「另類」是怪物,而現在則正面些、高級一點。畢竟現今社會最愛名銜這玩意。

[HK is a small place. I was merely doing things that most people won't do. I happened to be at the right place and right time. I started during the golden age of HK comics in the 1980s.

This label is given to me by others. It's just to make it easier for people to accept what is this thing called indie / alternative comics. To me, it simply reflects society's love for labels.]

But is there still a HK comic industry / scene?


[I'm not too sure of that myself. But as long as there are artists drawing, no matter how few, that is good enough.]

What is the mainstream in HK comics now? Still kung fu comics?


[HK comics are still HK comics. Kung fu, gangster...but it's really hard to differentiate what's mainstream and what's not. The market is so small now...]

What is the future for indie / alternative comics in HK?


[I don't know. As long as there are interesting works, that's not too bad.]

How did you start drawing comics?


[I drew some comics books and went round knocking on doors of comics pubishers. That's how i got started.]

What was your first comic book?


[My first comic book was Wisely.]

Did you ever have a 'real' job?


[Not really. I worked for a few months as an artist in a comics company - does that count?]

What are your memories of reading comics when you were young?


[When I was younger, reading comics gave me a sense of mission and energy!
I read everything - from Tony Wong to Ryoichi Ikegami and Ma Wing Shing. But the greatest influence came from Katsuhiro Otomo and Moebius. Now, Moebius! That's the gold standard of what comics can be!]

Did you ever expect to achieve what you have achieved so far? eg having an exhibition at Angouleme.


[I once thought that alternative comics can be commercially successful just like mainstream comics. Ah, the optimism of youth..
Once I started in this industry, it was made clear to me: you have to have your own unique vision. It's all about hard work.]

If you can travel back in time, what would you tell your younger self?


["It's really tough - are you sure? It's really fucking hard, ok!?"]

Do you own the rights to all your comics?


[In the past, the HK comics industry was not so 'civilized'. The original pages and rights were kept by the publishers. Some of my works have been 'taken' away from me. Afterwards, I was more careful to insist I retain the copyright. I guess I have about 70-80% to the rights of my works.]

Name one comic of yours that changed your career?


Tong Men Shao Nian


Would you say Lai Tat Tat Weng and Chihoi are your 'descendants'?


[I wouldn't dare to say that.
Creativity is a strange creature. And influences can come from anywhere, anytime. It's a process.]

Who are the next generation of indie comic artists in HK?

自己看漫畫不多,近年真正畫的人也不多。我覺得 overloaddance(超載舞步)OK!起碼有畫漫畫的心,說故事的心。

[I don't read many comics these days. But I think overloaddance is ok!
At least it has a heart for the drawings and storytelling.]


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